Rotary Club of East Nassau

Deputy Prime Minister to Address Rotary Club of East Nassau

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, K. Peter Turnquest will be the featured guest speaker at the Rotary Club of East Nassau on Friday, July 27.

“We are very pleased that the DPM and Minister of Finance will address Rotary and believe that Rotarians will gain a better understanding of the economy and insights as to what the Minnis Administration expects the future will bring as it relates to the implementation of its fiscal policies outlined in the government’s 2018/2019 budget through his presentation,” said Corinne Laville, president.

The luncheon meeting gets underway at 12:30pm at the Nassau Yacht Club on East Bay Street. It is open to all Rotarians and their guests.

The Rotary Club of East Nassau is the largest of all Rotary clubs in The Bahamas and is the home club of Barry J. Rassin, President of Rotary International, a 1.2 million-member strong global civic organization.