Brand Development

What makes a soda can so recognizable that even if the name didn’t appear you would know what it was? That’s called branding, the first step in a path to making sure that everyone knows – and recognizes – your business.

Crisis Management

Nobody’s perfect but if you err, don’t let a single mistake destroy everything you worked for. With professional help, you can own the problem, carve and deliver an honest message and earn respect. We may not be able to push recall, but we will help get you back on track.


Websites. Flyers. Brochures. E-letters. Appeal letters. Annual reports. Print ads. Business cards. Corporate collateral. Magazine layouts. Our award-winning design department relishes the differences that make every job distinctive.

Event Management

Events are a great way to show you mean what you say. For nearly 30 years, DP&A has been planning, branding, hosting and covering corporate & cause-related events. Telethons. Galas. Demonstrations to save endangered species. Event management – breathing life into an idea.


In a complex business environment, it is critical to know what the competition is doing, how your customers view you, what they want, if they believe you are delivering it or whether your new business plan will fly. Focus groups, online or telephone bank surveys, in-person interviews, we direct research with a purpose.


Tight writing. Press releases. Financial results. Real estate trends. Environmental impact. Delivering news in a way that draws the reader in. Shorter attention spans demand ever stronger writing skills. Message with impact is a DP&A specialty.

Ad Copy/Social Media Placement Consultation

Because ad rates range from the ‘we-can-do-this’ to ‘they’ve got to be kidding,’ it is important to be guided by professionals who know market value and understand audience demographics. Media buy plus media messaging positions work hand-in-hand to make sure everyone knows your business. And with the increasing importance of social media, linking websites to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest and new platforms is critical.

Annual Reports

Annual reports are powerful tools in a public company’s profile. Presented well with clear, easy-to-digest copy, graphs and charts, straight talk from the Managing Director or CEO, a forward-looking statement from the Chairman, thoughtful Management Discussion and Analysis, a show of corporate commitment to community and other components along with audited financials can provide the confidence shareholders deserve.


Many clients want to know not only what they are saying, but want to track what others are saying about them. DP&A has a full-time monitoring service that tracks all print and online copy and as much as 55 hours of talk radio per week. Daily reports provided.

Our Work

Palm Cay – Membership Booklet

Palm Cay – Membership Booklet

Commonwealth Brewery – Collateral Design

Commonwealth Brewery – Collateral Design

Commonwealth Brewery – Press Ads

Commonwealth Brewery – Press Ads

Commonwealth Brewery – 2014 Annual Report

Commonwealth Brewery – 2014 Annual Report

Palm Cay – Table Tops

Palm Cay – Table Tops

The Columns – Brochure & Invitation

The Columns – Brochure & Invitation

Phillips Sailmakers – Website Design

Phillips Sailmakers – Website Design

Phillips Sailmakers – Bench Signage

Phillips Sailmakers – Bench Signage

Oasis – Bench Signage

Oasis – Bench Signage

Pet Food Institute – Poster

Pet Food Institute – Poster

Pet Food Institute – Flyer

Pet Food Institute – Flyer

BOB – Flyers

BOB – Flyers

BOB – Press Ads

BOB – Press Ads

Up & Away – Editorial Design

Up & Away – Editorial Design

Abaco Cays Realty – Brochure

Abaco Cays Realty – Brochure

Abaco Cays Realty – Website Design

Abaco Cays Realty – Website Design

Callenders & Co – Brochure

Callenders & Co – Brochure

The Cancer Society Of The Bahamas – Branding

The Cancer Society Of The Bahamas – Branding