
EduKarting Summer Camp Opens

Nothing quite compares to that adrenaline rush that sweeps over you as you sit in an open-air car raring to go – pitting your wits, reflexes and motor skills against an unrelenting course.

That’s exactly the experience that awaits participants attending EduKarting’s summer camp, which kicked off Tuesday, August 7, providing an extraordinary atmosphere for children to learn the principles of the governing body of motor sport, the FIA – safety, responsibility and teamwork.

This is not your run-of-the-mill summer programme.

“Kids love it because it combines all the elements of their favourite video games. It is competitive, fast-paced and exciting. A valuable experience, they’re learning the basics of driving a car,” said EduKarting Bahamas founder and coordinator David McLaughlin.

“Parents love it because it’s a confidence booster for children. They are learning essential skills for work and life, such as self-discipline, critical and creative thinking and problem solving.”

Over the course of two weeks, children ranging in ages from nine to 17, learn the nuts and bolts of high performance racing reminiscent of Formula One or NASCAR.

Not only will they pull apart and reassemble their kart, but also engage in behind the scenes work associated with motor sport racing – finding funding for uniforms, helmets, tires and parts by creating and presenting a business plan to would-be investors.

Each weeklong session of the two-week summer camp caters to 30 participants. It runs from 9:30 am to 3:30 pm at Bahamas Technical & Vocational Institute on Old Trail Road and potential Entrants can check on the EduKarting Bahamas Facebook Page to see if there are any places for Week 2.

The camp receives supports from the FIA Foundation and Bahamian Companies allowing organizers to keep fees low, at $25 per camper per week, including lunch.

Other sponsors include J.S. Johnson, Rotary Club of East Nassau, Aliv, Battery & Tyre Specialists Ltd., Valvoline, Jumex, Aquapure, Pizza Hut, Bahamas Waste, Diane Phillips & Associates and Oasis Furniture

For the past five years, the Edukarting programme has been operational in government schools promoting education through sport.

The FIA, Federation Internationale de L’Automobile, which is the world governing body of motor sport, is also the leader in road safety, establishing standards and initiatives around the globe.

The Bahamas Motor Sports Association is affiliated directly with the FIA, which represents 144 countries. The FIA’s Foundation provides partial funding for EduKarting initiatives, supporting McLaughlin, the Bahamas Motor Sports Association’s president and Susan Schauff the organization’s vice president.  They have been assisting the Ministry of Transport this year as we all fight to reduce the increasing dangers on our roads.

However this funding is, by statute, only provided to match local funds from government or commercial entities, driving home the need for local partnerships.

The camp wraps up on Friday, August 17.