“Streets for Life”
Bahamas Motor Sports Association calls for reduced speed limits in school zones and focused driving to ensure road safety in The Bahamas
After a two-year hiatus, the Bahamas Motor Sports Association will make its return to the Fusion Superplex on Thursday, May 12 to kick off the 2022 United Nations Global Road Safety Month to encourage the incorporation of 20 mph low-speed streets in school zones and focused driving throughout the archipelago.
The UN Global Road Safety Week is generally held every two years for a week, but this year it will host a month-long campaign to raise awareness globally on road safety. The initiative is backed by the Fédération Internationale de l’Automobile (FIA), the governing body for motor sports world-wide.
According to the United Nations, everyday 3,5000 persons are killed from road traffic accidents.
“Each day a traffic fatality occurs and in most cases they are preventable, says David McLaughlin, president of the Bahamas Motor Sports Association. “Low-speed streets and focused driving ensure that road users and the most vulnerable like children, elderly, pedestrians and cyclists do not suffer from the adverse effects of distracted driving and speeding.”
Factors resulting in road traffic accidents are speeding, driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, distracted driving, nonuse of safety/protective gear, unsafe roads and vehicles to name a few. However, one of the most surprising statistics from the National Safety Council states that nearly 390,000 injuries in the United States per annum are caused by driving and texting.
Event attendees are invited to take a spin on a FIA race simulator and get a realistic look at driving while distracted. The organization hopes to drive the message home about adopting low-speed streets and limiting distractions to minimize detrimental effects.
A car traveling at 30 mph covers a distance of 44 feet per second which is the length of a jitney. In that time frame, any moment of distraction can lead to a dangerous accident.
“Our goal is to make the streets of The Bahamas safe for all by raising awareness of road safety and encouraging cautious driving,” said McLaughlin. “Take a spin in our race simulator and you will realize that it is not as easy as you think.”
The Hon. Mario Bowleg, Minister or Sports, The Hon. Jobeth Coleby-Davis, Minister of Transport and Housing, The Antique Auto Club and the Royal Bahamas Police Force are all expected to make appearances.