Eleuthera resident has his blood pressure tested at Wellness in the Park health fair hosted by Eleuthera Medical Center, a division of the Bahamas Wellness Health System. (Photo by Kyle Walkine)
Eleuthera Medical Center’s Wellness in the Park health fair labeled a success
Eleuthera residents and visitors turned out for the first Wellness in the Park Health Fair in Governor’s Harbour June 11 hosted by Eleuthera Medical Center, a division of Bahamas Wellness Health System.
Attendees had access to free glucose and blood pressure testing, workout sessions with a personal trainer, and were able to taste and purchase local fruits and vegetables courtesy of BAMSI. National Health Insurance was also present conducting membership sign-ups.
Youngsters enjoyed the bouncing castle and face painting, some posing for pictures near the medical center’s ambulance.
Minister of Agriculture and Marine Resources and Central and South Eleuthera MP Clay Sweeting labeled the health fair a success.
“The event was both well-organized and well-attended,” he said. “I was particularly enthused to see BAMSI’s involvement in providing the fresh fruits and vegetables.”
Bahamas Wellness Health System founder and wellness expert Dr. Arlington Lightbourne said the community’s participation was encouraging.
“We have had a difficult and sobering few years with the COVID-19 pandemic,” said the founder of Bahamas Wellness, which operates four clinics – three in Eleuthera and one in New Providence. “So, we were pleased to see the number of people from the community who came out to spend some time with us to focus on their health and its importance.
“It really demonstrates that these kinds of events are both needed and appreciated, and encourages us to host others in the future.”

Minister of Agriculture and Marine Resources and Central and South Eleuthera MP Clay Sweeting attends Wellness in the Park. He is pictured with emergency medical specialist Dr. Jessica Moss and Dr. Arlington Lightbourne, Eleuthera Medical Center Managing Director. (Photo by Kyle Walkine)

Watermelons were among the many fruits and vegetables provided by BAMSI for the health fair.